Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Buddhist monks 'should learn Tamil'


Young Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka (file photo)
AIPTA says the Govt should pay attention to the immediate needs of the Pirivena education at a time it is celebrating 2600 anniversary of Sambudhdhathva Jayanthi

It is necessary that the new generation of Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka learn the Tamil language to help reconciliation between communities after decades of war, teachers of Buddhist scripture say.
All Island Pirivena Teachers Association (AIPTA) made of teachers of Buddhism told BBC Sinhala service, Sandeshaya that the Buddhist monks should be able to communicate with the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
“They should be able to communicate in Tamil and spread the message of peace to the Tamil community,” said Kompitiye Suseela thero, president of AIPTA.
The thero expressed hope that Buddhist monks communicating in Tamil will help prevent another bloody conflict in Sri Lanka.    Full Story>>>