Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Global Tamil Forum formerly met with Senior Civil Servants at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London

உலகத் தமிழர் பேரவை

By: Media External Document
As part of bringing awareness to the current plight of Tamils in Sri Lanka and the wider engagement of governments around the world, the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) met with senior civil servants at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in London, yesterday.
Mr. Andrew Patrick, Director for South Asia, Deputy Director William Middleton and Ms. Christine McNeill, the Head of Sri Lanka Desk at the FCO were met by the GTF delegation lead by its President Rev. Father S.J.Emmanuel, members of British Tamils Forum (BTF), British Tamil Conservatives (BTC) and Tamils for Labour.
Father Emmanuel shared the gratitude of the Global Tamil Community for the explicit stance the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has taken by welcoming the UN Panel Report commissioned by the UN Secretary General and the call for an independent and credible inquiry to establish the truth so that sustainable reconciliation can be achieved. The main focus of the meeting was on the UN Panel Report. However the GTF delegation also shared information regarding their forthcoming activities, engagements and further evidence revelations of crimes committed and the current ground reality in the North and the East of Sri Lanka.

Media Contact: Suren Surendiran
Tel: +44 (0) 7958 590196 or +1 917 512 2992
Email: media@globaltamilforum.org
Notes to Editors:
Global Tamil Forum exists to harness the skills and the knowledge of the members of the forum, well-wishers and others including mainstream decision makers in the international governments, institutions and organisations with the aim of alleviating the suffering of the Tamil community in Sri Lanka and to further their right to self-determination (as defined by Article 1.1 ‘United Nations: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’ 1976) within a democratic framework under pinned by international law, its covenants and conventions. The forum was set-up in 2009 with the support of many International Tamil community organisations.
For more information please contact:
info@globaltamilforum.org and/or
visit: www.globaltamilforum.org
Courtesy: Global Tamil Forum - May 6, 2011
Published on: May 09, 2011 20:10:19 GMT