Tuesday, April 2, 2013

GTF puts forth demands

Calls for international investigation
Tuesday, 02 April 2013
The Global Tamil Forum's (GTF) demand for justice through an independant international investigation has been strengthen by the fact that the international community wants the accountability issues addressed by Sri Lanka ...
see full text below

Historic Resolution Passed in Tamil Nadu

Review by Prime Minister of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam V. Rudrakumaran.
TGTE logo
Courtesy: srilankabrief.org
http://www.salem-news.com/graphics/snheader.jpg(TAMIL NADU, India) - The Tamil Nadu State Assembly unanimously adopted a historic resolution yesterday, March 27, 2013 under the distinguished leadership of Hon Selvi Jayalalitha, the Chief Minister.
The highlights of this resolution are as follows:
The Tamil Nadu State Assembly adopts the following resolution and strongly requests the Indian Government that,
“….The Indian Government refrains from referring to Sri Lanka as a ‘friendly country’ from hereon…,
An independent and international investigation into the Genocide and War Crimes perpetrated by Sri Lanka during the civil war comes into place,
Based on the International Investigation all perpetrators of these crimes should be brought before an International Court of Justice and punished,
Economic sanctions against Sri Lanka are imposed until it puts an end to the atrocities being committed against Tamils,
It takes necessary steps to bring a resolution at the UN Security Council which, in due recognition of the future of Tamils of Tamil Eelam, leads to a referendum with regard to these matters being conducted among the Tamils living in Sri Lanka, and all Tamil Diaspora displaced from Sri Lanka who are living in various parts of the world.”

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam(TGTE), on behalf of the people of Tamil Eelam, expresses its delight and profound gratitude to Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Hon. SelviJayalalitha, the leaders of all the political parties and the people of Tamil Nadu for adopting such a firm resolution.
The content of this historic resolution moved by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu makes it an important political document that encompasses the political will of the Tamil people, reveals the anti-Tamil stance of the Sri Lankan state, and reflects an understanding of the international mechanism that is needed.
This resolution stands as excellent testimony to the remarkable political acumen and statesmanship of SelviJayalalitha, and we, at the TGTE, congratulate her on bringing forth such an excellent resolution at this time.
We urge the Indian Government to give due recognition to this resolution. Also, we appeal in solidarity to the Chief Minister and the people of Tamil Nadu to follow up with action at the Centre to lead to implementation of the provisions contained in this resolution.
We join hands with the student population of Tamil Nadu with a strong sense of solidarity for the relentless manner in which they have kept alive the struggle in support of the people of Tamil Eelam. It is only whenthe provisions of this resolution are accepted by the Central Government of India that there would be effective follow-up action.
We firmly believe that the student population of Tamil Nadu has the capacity to ensure that the Central Government of India accepts this resolution. It is our fervent hope that the students of Tamil Nadu will not stop until a structured project is in place to undertake actions that would realize the resolution.
Thank you

Visvanathan Rudrakumaran
Prime Minister
Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE)