A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Patriotism, Allegiance And Loyalty Of Sri Lankan Muslims To Mother Lanka
Lankan Muslim people are not new arrivals to the Island rather they have been
living more than 1000 years and it is historically documented that Arab traders
settled in this Island in pre-colonial periods. During the Silk route trade
between Middle East and South Asian countries Arab people used Sri Lanka as one
of their trading hubs. Since these periods of history Muslim people have been
living in this Island generation by generations. The bulk of Sri Lankan Muslim
population is a mixture of different ethno-linguistic and cultural groups. The
entire Muslim population of Sri Lanka Muslim people constitutes of Arab, Indian,
Afghanistani, North/south Indian, Malay and Indigenous Srilankan People. There
is no doubt that many inter-marriages took place with other communities and
still some Muslim families have families of names/house names of Singhalese
historical origin, antiquity and history of Sri Lankan Muslims people could be
traced from early period of Sri Lankan history. It is not my objective here to
trace historical origin of Sri Lankan Muslim people rather it is my objective
here to examine the true nature of Muslim loyalty to Sri Lanka and to gauge if
any Muslim people have done any treason to Mother Lanka since ancient time up to
meaning of loyalty in Islam
we examine this issue we would like to shed some light on the meaning of loyalty
and allegiance in Islam: What is the doctrine of loyalty in Islam? Does Islam
accept any sense of nationalism or loyalty to any piece of land/country/tribe or
ethnic groups or clans? In fact, Islam demands from Muslim people to have full
faith, allegiance and loyalty only to God alone not for nay temporal / earthly
matters of these types. Muslim people believe that very thing in this universe
belong to God and we people too belong to him alone and our full loyalty should
be to Him alone. Theologically speaking this is the true loyalty and it is the
eternal and real loyalty. In this sense, languages, castes, tribes, colour and
country all are temporary and materialistic realities ant these are confined to
this world alone.
a recent survey in England among Muslim people a question was asked: Are you a
Muslim or British first? More than 90% of Muslim people said that we are Muslims
first and foremost then we are British born people. This is a theological
question for any Muslim and unfortunately the interviewer did not have deeper
understanding of Islamic theology and put this question to Muslim people simply
from western political and social perspectives to gauge the level of Muslim
peoples’ loyalty to Great Britain. It would not be theologically and
religiously fitting to say that our loyalty belongs to any land on earth rather
our true loyalty should be only to God alone: people in Saudi do not say that
our loyalty belong to Saudi land. People Pakistan do not say that our eternal
loyalty belongs to their land or tribe or language rather Muslim people believe
that we belong to Allah and we return to Him:
communities are not formed or originated on the basis of language, colour, race,
ethnicity, tribe, lands or nationalism of any particular geographical or
ethnical enclaves. You do not choose your colour, you do not choose your
language or you do not choose your place of birth or you do not choose your
race: These are bestowed upon you by God beyond your control and you have no
choice on these sociological issues. In Islam nationalism, patriotism to any
particular piece of land or ethnicity or language does not become bedrock of
Islamic ideology or Islamic doctrines. On this Islam goes beyond all worldly
and physical considerations and drives its ideology from God alone. The Holy
Quran depicts the true believers of international Muslim communities are
one Ummah: This description is beyond all languages, ethnicity,
nationality, and geographical enclaves and limitations. In this sense any one
embraces faith of Islam from any part of world or nay class of people or any
linguistic groups becomes an integral part of wider Muslim ummah: It is faith
that makes bond and brotherly relationship between Muslim people: In this any
Muslim living in Non-Muslim government also becomes part and parcel of
International Muslim community.
people might ask us. Do not you have any affection/ love to your own country?
Do not you love for the country of your birth? Do not you have any sense of
patriotism to your mother land? Does Islam teach to show love and affection to
the lands where Muslim people are born and brought up? It is a natural instinct
of people to be attached to places of their birth, families, villages and
countries of origin. I have been living in the UK for more two decades now and
yet, my nostalgia always goes back to my country and my village where I was born
and brought up. It is a common human feeling for all people. Islam goes along
with this natural sentiment and its respects this human instinct and indeed, it
does encourage having patriotic national feeling of your own village/
town/district and country: There is no harm in having such feeling as long as
such patriotism does not lead into prejudice, injustice and
this notion of Islamic ummah deem to be detrimental to our love and affection to
our mother land or to abide law and order in the countries we live in. No, not
at all. Islam instructs us to love our mother lands: It demands us to abide with
laws and orders of our native places. Today, a large percentage of Muslim people
migrate from Muslim countries into Non-Muslim countries in the Western European
nations and when they get citizenship in these countries very often they will be
asked to take oath sometime giving affirmation that they would abide with laws
of the country: Such undertaking does not contrast Islamic teaching of loyalty
and allegiance to Islamic faiths: This oath is between you and that government
that guarantee you protection and return you laws and order in this land: This
an agreement and Islam instructs to honour any agreement.
indeed, recognises and acknowledges patriotism of each persons: Indeed Allah
created mankind into different groups and nations: so that we human beings know
each other, understand each other, and appreciate one another, It is the beauty
of divine design. There is no harm in having affection towards one’s language
and tribes and yet we should not have mania and craziness about our language to
extent to look down all other tribes and language: We should not have
superiority complex because of our language or tribe. That is wrong and Islam
condemns such feeling. Yet, having nationalistic feeling is not wrong with
these conditions.
examples on patriotism towards native people:
we have any prophetic model or examples to justify patriotism in Islam? Yes, of
course the prophet himself had some sentimental patriotic feeling towards his
place of birth: It is well known saying of the prophet that prophet said on the
eve of his migration from Makka to Madina: looking at the soil of Makka prophet
said that “ you are the beloved place for me. If the people of Makka had not
chase me out I would not have left you”. This is natural feeling of every one
towards his own place of birth. Even the companions when they migrated to Mania
they had nostalgia feeling about their life in Makka and they wished that they
come back to their native place one day:
when different people come to see the prophet he used asked them the names of
their tribe in reorganization of their tribes: We know well that prophet once
praised Salman al-Farisi tracing his Persian origin. All our Muslim scholars are
nick named with their tribal or village names: al-Bukhari hails from a place
called al-bukhara, al- Qurtubi from Qurtuba, and Imam
al-Shatibi from Shatiba. Thousands of Imams like these imams related
the village affiliations to their names to show their patriotism and identity?
This is an Islamic tradition to attribute our Islamic scholars into their places
of birth: This has been for many centuries that this shows that they had some
sentimental patriotism towards their places of birth and nothing wrong in that.
This helps us to trace their historical origin and identity.
patriotism during the colonial periods:
lands were occupied for more than five hundreds years by different colonial
powers such as French, Italian, Dutch/Portuguese and English. During these
periods Islamic scholars engaged in freedom struggle and patriotic speeches and
poems were made in this freedom struggle: from Jamal-al-Din Afghanis to Imam
Hassan Al-Banna all Muslim intellectuals and scholars motivated people to
enhance nationalistic feeling and there is nothing wrong in that as along as
such feeling does not undermine universal brotherhood, justice and equality of
humanity: In India sub-continent many Muslim sacrificed their lives for the
freedom of Indian lands and like that in many Muslim land people laid down
their lives to free their lands from occupation;
pioneers in Sri Lanka fully participated in the freedom struggle of Sri Lanka.
Though we in Sri Lanka did not make any political or military struggle to free
the Island from British and yet, during the colonial periods many Muslims people
did fight along side Sri Lankan kings to safeguard it form invasions of the
Dutch and Portuguese.
during the independence time Muslim people unanimously voted with Singhalese
members to secure independence of Sri Lanka from British Empire. ¾ majorities
was required by Soulbury commission to secure Sri Lankan Independence and Tamil
congress led by Ponnampalam did his best to get support of Muslim members to get
his own Tamil Elem then, but People members unanimously supported Senanayake and
he managed to secure 51 votes. This was a historical turning point in Sri Lanka
history and had Muslim members gone with Mr Ponnampalam the history of Sri Lanka
would have been different today: British would have created Tamil Elem long time
ago or they would have created another Kashmir in Sri Lanka long time ago yet,
it is regrettable that some Singhalese people are becoming seemingly ungrateful
to all service and sacrifices Muslims made for the integrity of this
throughout the pre-independence history our leaders made many contributions and
they had shown their patriotism to the nation: they never made any conspiracy to
divine this country and they never collaborated with any one to divine this
Island and they never made any treason in Sri Lanka: It has been Muslim
leadership’s dream to develop and enhance this Island not merely on communal
line rather in a national line: from DR TB
Jaya to modern time Muslim political leaders we have had a dream in
this Island of Sri Lanka: that dream to contribute to the progress and
development of this Island as Sri Lankan with due recognition to diversity of
culture and language and religions.
happened in Sri Lankan history since independence was that we have failed to
create any Sri Lankan Identity as Sri Lankan people collectively: Each community
begun to think in its on communal line: Tamils feel that Singhalese are trying
to dominate them and Singhalese feel that their mere existence is threaten by
the separatism and diversities of cultures and religions. All other minorities
begun feel that their mere existence is threatened by the rapid development
of Buddhist
extremism. It is not myth to say that in recent years a growing
trend of anti-Christian and Muslim drift has been orchestrated by some extreme
elements without any proper geopolitical knowledge and without foreseeing any
dire consequence of such extreme trends:
like India,Malaysia, and Singapore with its all diverse cultures, ethnicities
and religious managed to maintain their own national identity: Malaysian
whether is Buddhist, or Hindi or Muslim feel proud to say that he or she is a
Malaysian. We do not need to tell you about Indian nationalistic feeling: We
have not seen any nations so proud about their nationality like Indians: They
are so proud about their nationalism or nationality: It may be Indians from
North or South or from West or East: it may be Muslim or Hindu or people of
other religions in India. All are proud to be Indians: yet, we in this small
Island do not have that sort of national identity or nationalistic feeling
between us: Do not we see that When Indians play Cricket with Pakistan Indian
Muslims whole heartedly support Indian team rather than Pakistan team and do not
we see that a large proportion of Indian Muslim army officials work in the
Indian army to protect the sovereignty and integrity of India? Otherwise, how
could this huge country with hundred of ethnic groups hold its grip on the
was ruled by Muslims for more than 700 years and Muslim people have had all
their cultural and religious monuments in India. Thaj Mahal was build
in the name of Mumthaj by then Muslim ruler. Do you see that any Indian
government tries to destroy this historical monument simply because it comes
from Muslim history? Why do not have such broader and wider concept of national
identity in Sri Lanka? Why do we still think in confined communal line in Sri
Lanka? We have failed to celebrate the beauty of our diverse culture, languages
and religions: It is generally believed that Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and
Christianity are world major religions. People in Sri Lanka are practicing these
four religions and this gives more beauty to our nation and yet, we have greatly
failed to appreciate such diversity.
be continued