Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mervyn’s Supporters Curse Sunday Leader

Mervyn’s Supporters Curse Sunday Leader
The Sunday Leader


Minister and his gang- Monday, July 01, 2013
mervyn_attacks_journalists_65982_445Supporters of Public Relations Minister Mervyn Silva broke coconuts at the Muneshwaram Temple in Chilaw last Friday and cursed The Sunday Leader newspaper.
The Minister’s supporters cursed the owner of the publication as well as the Chief Editor and the reporter who had written an article on the Minister and his son recently.
In cursing the newspaper, the supporters of the notorious Minister called on the Gods to pour their wrath against the publication.
The Minister, who is currently touring Tanzania and the Seychelles as part of President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s delegation, had earlier accused the newspaper of repeatedly targeting him and his son through various articles.
The Minister had said that he will not attack the newspaper personally but will instead let the Gods take care of that.
The Chief Priest of the Muneshwaram Temple had told the Minister’s supporters that the Gods will take action on anyone who does wrong.