Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Oh! What A Nation!

Oh! What A Nation!

By Helasingha Bandara -July 1, 2013 
Colombo TelegraphIn the West we are known as a short, fat, black and ugly nation. Now we have lost our dignity, pride, self-respect, spines, ethics and morals. What are we left with? Nothing! What a nation we have become! A ‘nothing nation’!
Indeed our country is beautiful. The world admires its natural splendour, magnanimity and hospitality of at least some of its people. We have a glorious history to talk about and be proud of. But then, what has happened to us.
Are there any signs left in us to claim that we are the decedents of the people of the caliber of Wariyapola Sumangala, Maddumabanda Ehalepola, Puran Appu, and Keppitipola and so on?  Hardly! Some recent examples I may bring in to highlight the despicable and undignified state that we have descended to.
Sarath Kumara