Saturday, April 26, 2014

Jaffna Uni Students' Union condemns military search of student residence
26 April 2014
The University of Jaffna’s Student Union condemned the military's search operation within student residences, demanding an immediate end to all military activities, which the student body said were causing disruptions to the University's academic life. 
“That the security forces – who have been repressing all our rights to freedom of expression under the excuse of terrorism – are entering and searching without any apparent reason has created fear among the students,” the student body said in a statement issued Friday. 
Military intelligence officers conducted a search operation at the men's hostel at the University of Jaffna on Thursday. A large number of armed soldiers were deployed in the area following the incident, leaving students and locals alarmed, local sources told theUthayan
Describing it as a breach of security that has created a tense atmosphere around the campus, the student body criticised the university administration for remaining mute on the subject. 
Their silence has caused students to question the administration's ability and commitment to protecting its students, the Union said. 
The Union stated that despite the government’s claims of peace, terrorism laws continued to be used to terrorise the Tamil population.