Thursday, May 29, 2014

In Memoriam - Songs from the Purananuru - Song 192
29 May 2014

During this month of May, as Tamils remember their loved ones that were killed as the armed conflict ended in 2009, we publish selected Poems from the classical Tamil anthology, the Purananuru (the 400 Puram poems) as we have done in previous years. This is the last in our collection this year.Song 192 - Kaniyan Poonkunran sings
Tinai – Potuviyal (General heroism)

Every Town a Home Town

Every town a home town
every man a kinsman.
Good and evil do not come
from others.
Pain and relief of pain
come of themselves.
Dying is nothing new.
We do not rejoice
That life is sweet
nor in anger
call it bitter.

Our lives however dear,
follow their own course,
rafts drifting
in the rapids of a great river
sounding and dashing over the rocks
after a downpour
from skies slashed by lightnings –
we know this
from the vision
of men who see

we are not amazed by the great
And we do not scorn the little.

Collection: In Memoriam - Songs from the Purananuru

Song 112 (26 May 2014) 

Song 256 (24 May 2014)

Song 356 (22 May 2014)

Song 191 (19 May 2011)

Song 216 (18 May 2011)

Song 74 (17 May 2011)

Song 226 (16 May 2011)

Song 245 (15 May 2011)

Song 255 (14 May 2011) 

Notes - Puram refers to the exterior, public or outer – and so the Purananuru contains the Poems of War, and external life, as opposed to the Akam which refers to the interior, including the Poems of Love.