A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Thursday, May 29, 2014
Sri Lanka Not Honoured Commitments Made To India – TNA Tells Jayalalithaa
“We are thank full to you for the continuing concern you have shown
towards the resolution of the Tamil question in Sri Lanka and we look
forward to working closely with you and your government to future
strengthen our ties.” Leader of the Tamil National Alliance wrote
to Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, J Jayalalithaa.

He also said “Sri Lankan government has not honoured the several
commitments made to India and to the International Community to evolve
an acceptable political solution to the national question;
“The agenda being aggressively persued by the Sri Lankan government
through the several actions stipulated in the said letter to radically
alter the demographic composition of the majority Tamil speaking
territories, the Northern and Eastern provinces and also change the
ethnic, linguistic and cultural identities of the said territories;
“The aforesaid actions of the Sri Lankan government are clearly
indicative of the lack of genuine commitment on the part of the Sri
Lankan government to evolve an acceptable political solution”
We publish below the letter in full;
Chelvi J Jeyalalitha,
Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu,
Chief Minister’s Office,
Tamil Nadu.
Dear Chief Minister,
I write to you as the Leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA),
democratically elected to substantially represent the Tamil People,
particularly in the North East of Sri Lanka, for instance in the last
election held for the Northern Provincial Council (NPC), despite the
election being held under the intimidatory presence and invlovement of
the armed forces as concluded by both international and local observers,
the TNA secured 30 out of 38 seats in the NPC.
We extend to you on behalf of the Tamil People of Sri Lanka our warmest
congratulations on your resounding victory in Tamil Nadu at the recently
concluded elections to the Lok Sabha. By winning 37 out of 39 seats in
Tamil Nadu, you have become the third largest party in the whole country
in the Lok Sabha, next only to the present and former ruling parties.
This indeed, is an astounding acheivement and is indicative of the
influence which you have the capacity to weild. We extend to you and
your government our very sincere best wishes for the successful
performance of your multi-facted responsibilities.
We are thankful to you for the continuing concern you have shown towards
the resolution of the Tamil question in Sri Lanka and we look forward
to working closely with you and your government to further strengthen
our ties. The Tamil People in Sri Lanka do not desire a recurrence of
violence. Their desire is that they and all other Sri Lankans are able
to carry on their lives in the territories they live in, based on
equality and justice.
Following the anti-Tamil pogrom of 1983, Sri Lanka accepted the good
offices of India to bring about a final and acceptable resolution of the
national conflict in Sri Lanka. This has been a continuing process,
though at times interrupted. India has and continues to play a role.
With the end of the armed conflict in May 2009, violence terminated and
every opportunity came about to bring a permanent end to the conflict
based upon equality, justice and genuine peace.
Both during the armed conflict and after its conclusion Sri Lanka made
commitments to India and the International Community to bring about an
acceptable political solution. Unfortunately this has not been honoured.
We annex herewith for your kind attention a copy of a letter addresssed
to Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. We have stated therein:
1. The Sri Lankan government has not honoured the several commitments
made to India and to the International Community to evolve an acceptable
political solution to the national question; 2. The agenda being
aggressively persued by the Sri Lankan government through the several
actions stipulated in the said letter to radically alter the demographic
composition of the majority Tamil speaking territories, the Northern
and Eastern provinces and also change the ethnic, linguistic and
cultural identities of the said territories; and 3. The aforesaid
actions of the Sri Lankan government are clearly indicative of the lack
of genuine commitment on the part of the Sri Lankan government to evolve
an acceptable political solution.
Such actions of the Sri Lankan government undermine all efforts towards
reconciliation, permanent peace and harmony, create an environment that
promotes hostility and further cause irreparable and irreversible damage
to the Tamil speaking peoples in the territories historically inhabited
by them.
We have appealed to the Prime Minister that India’s continued role
should ensure that an honourable peace based on justice and equality
should be brought about in Sri Lanka.
We appeal to you for your continued and fullest support to achieve the above.
We look forward to meeting with you at your earliest convenience and earnestly request that an opportunity be afforded to us.
With our warmest regards and very best wishes,
Yours Very Sincerely
Member of Parliament, Trincomalee / Sri Lanka.
Leader, Tamil National Alliance.