Friday, January 9, 2015

Are We Too Late?

Colombo Telegraph
Uvindu Kurukulasuriya
Uvindu Kurukulasuriya
Sleepless nights.Today Sri Lankan voters are going to decide our political future. Are we too late? I have nothing much to say. I have said it all. Even long before the elimination of the LTTE. Even long before Rajapaksas became so-called war heroes.
Uvindu MRI wrote two articles in July 2006 in Ravaya, a Sinhala language weekly where I worked at that time. One was about why people called Ranil a loser. (You can read the Sinhala version July 23, 2006 here). In that article I explainedRanil’s major mistake. He should have supported Chandrika’s 2000 proposals. I said that people should be aware this Mahinda Rajapaksa is not a Nagare Premadasa but a Game Premadasa. (He is not an Urban Premadasa but a Village Premadasa) Anyone who knows his character should have understood that. He is a born dictator. The other article titled “What Remains for Mahinda to do”. One of my friends has translated that article. (You can read the Sinhala version July 30, 2006 here).
I know the opposition led by Sirisena is not made up of angels. To  I know the opposition led by Sirisena is not made up of angels. To me Chandrika, Fonseka and Maithripalaare war criminals. But this election is not about war crimes or human rights violations. We can deal with those issues later. This election is about the political future of Sri Lanka. It’s about how to stop Mahinda from becoming a real King and Sri Lanka from becoming an authoritarian country. Are we too late? That is my question! Will the opposition and civil society succeed in preventing Mahinda from turning into a real Hitler? I hope we are not too late!!
I publish below the translation of that article;                                        Read More