Wednesday, February 25, 2015

6% For Education, How Do We Use It?

Colombo Telegraph
By Thangamuthu Jayasingam -February 23, 2015
Dr. Thangamuthu Jayasingam
Dr. Thangamuthu Jayasingam
I am very pleased as an Academic and a member of FUTA that we initiated the “6% for education” march with a hundred days of protest which had finally materialized. I consider this as one of the most significant social issues that we had undertaken over the recent past. But getting that alone is not enough, but the educational system would have to utilize it for those activities which were blocked by the limitation of funds in a systematic and a rational approach so that the values of state education and free education are conserved, more realistically enhanced, for the benefit of the future of this country. This may not be the mandate of the FUTA though they would be happy to be part of the process as any academic.
I pen down my views and thinking on where and how the funds could be and should be utilized which is only an opinion, but an informed opinion.
Teachers salary
In my list the priorities the salary of the Teacher is on top. How could anyone be content with his employment if it does not provide a reasonable means of income to manage his/her family ? This leads to the next step. Search for other means of income, legal or illegal, but either way utilizing time which eventually causes a mega strain on the person and the family concerned. Let us increase their salary to reasonable figures even if it is a raise of 100% as appropriate. We would have more persons of caliber entering the teaching profession with sincerity ( matha, pitha, guru is part of our tradition and has a high place for the teacher and respect). No other profession gives you the pleasure of being called ‘sir’ by the students even 50 years after leaving school, which is the best reward what a teacher gains, beyond all other claims. We could and should avoid political appointments ‘specially before elections’ making thousands of teachers at will with no interview or check on the ability or intention of the candidates. The system is saddled with those for the next few decades, some wrong choices may be destroying the system itself. Increase in salary does not come free but with assured responsibility of performance in class that needs to be periodically monitored and slowly dissuade the students from the need of TUITION CLASSES. Teachers who are engaged with tuition classes need to be cautioned for any violation on conflict of interest ( the same student being in class and tuition fro example ) and those offenders to be dealt by disciplinary procedure. No one would like to lose a teaching job if it pays well given its holidays and the end of term benefits that are in place. It is definite task that needs to be considered as priority, the levels and the terms associated could be discussed with those in the profession and trade unions as necessary.Read More