Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Sri Lanka govt has not led to anticipated change says Wigneswaran

06 April 2015
The chief minister of the Northern province, C V Wigneswaran, told the visiting Australian High Commissioner, Robyn Mudie on Monday that the change in government in Sri Lanka had failed to produce the changes that the Tamils' had expected.

"The ground situation post regime change and issues which were expected to take place after the change of government, but have failed to take place were discussed," Mr Wigneswaran said speaking to journalists afterwards.

“She asked me what kind of advantages and disadvantages had the political change brought among the people," Mr Wigneswaran continued.  “The change of government has not given us anything we had anticipated," he reportedly replied. 

“She [Ms Mudie] pledged that their government would work tirelessly to bring reconciliation and a better future between Tamil people and [Sri Lankan] government.”

Ms Mudie, who was on a visit to Jaffna to review the Australian government's projects in the Northern province, met with Mr Wigneswaran at his official residence in Jaffna.