Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The top policeman who harbours murders?


Tuesday, 07 April 2015
The CID has now been able to ascertain, with very clear evidence, that it was Navy Sampath’s white van gang that had murdered MP Nadaraja Raviraj on an order by former defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, reports say.
Raviraj was shot dead by two killers in a motorcycle at Narahenpita on 10 November 2006. Under the fresh investigation launched by the new government, the CID arrested former Lt. Commander Sampath Munasinghe alias Navy Sampath and Commander Prasad Hettiarachchi.
According to the statements by these suspects, the murder contract was given them by the then director of the State Intelligence Service, SSP Mahil Dole, who functioned directly under the ex-defence secretary.

Dole was also the coordinator between the killer gangs that had existed under the previous regime, such as the ones led by Navy Sampath, STF’s Kodithuwakku, Air Force’s Nishantha Gajanayake and Army’s Chanaka Perera, investigations have revealed.
When asked about the necessity to kill Raviraj, Dole told Navy Sampath that it was an order by the defence secretary. Accordingly, police constable Senevi, who was a member of the gang, rode the motorcycle with Navy’s Petty Officer Seneviratne, going as the pillion rider, gunned down the MP. This has been ascertained on the lead of the number of the motorcycle (await the complete investigation report). Dole was later arrested by the CID on a charge of having sold SIS clearing certificates to LTTE members.
On the basis of these findings, Dole should now be under arrest, but that is being prevented by an invisible hand in the Police Department in order to avert the exposure of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. We will soon bring you the full details. It was LNW that broke the news, three years ago, that Navy Sampath’s gang had killed Raviraj. Given below is that article dated 17 July 2012.