Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Practical Solutions To Curb The Rate Of Rape

Colombo Telegraph
By Muhammed Fazl

 –June 1, 2015
Muhammed Fazl
Muhammed Fazl
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” – Martin Luther King
Having met with a barrage of flak for my article”Are Women To Be Blamed For Rape?” from a section of the online readers, as much as I take it all on a positive stride for the awareness created, I believe the burning issue of rape is yet to be taken seriously… let alone be addressed.
Unfortunately, more than the plight of victims itself, the absence of a practical solution coupled with the lack of will makes the situation look even more poignant. To make matters worse, the moment sensible suggestions are put forward, the supposedly ‘learned’ ones tend to blow a fuse when they realize of a possible requirement to make ‘lifestyle’ adjustments for the greater good of the not-so-fortunate living amongst us.
Clarifying any misconceptions one might have based on my last article, AT NO STAGE have I justified rape, blamed the rape victim or made an indication of being an apologist for the perpetrator. Readers need to understand the difference between blaming a victim and blaming probable and/or negative external influences behind such crimes. Readers also need to understand the fact that this is not about a struggle between them women and us males. Belonging to a right-thinking humane society, we as a nation should be united against a common enemy… an unknown enemy at that who does not even have an established profile.
Woman dancing in a clubIt is also unfortunate that to date, there exist not an effective judicial system nor a pilot plan to contain the menace. Having read comments on my Facebook page by ill-informed feminist voices about the need to teach boys not to rape, about the need to teach sex-education at schools and for insisting on being oblivious to possible indecent behavior of the very same creature that rapists gets attracted to, I was quite surprised by their limited knowledge of ground realities. Also of their failure to understand the minority status of the abnormal minds living amongst us men.