Tuesday, June 28, 2016

How did penniless wizened old Daisy disburse Rs. 50 million in Yoshitha’s fraudulent deal ? The true story unearthed...

LEN logo(Lanka-e-News -27.June.2016, 11.45PM)  When Namal Rajapakse M.P. recently was summoned to  the FCID to record a statement , and on another occasion when his father Mahinda Rajapakse M.P. too went to record statements at the   FCID  , Yoshitha Rajapakse , the other son of Mahinda Rajapakse who addressed media conferences every now and then said , the government in order to take political revenge on the family is implicating their  family members  in a transaction pertaining to an ancestral  land in Mt. Lavinia,and  is summoning them to the FCID  , whereas that transaction was in fact a  private deal , he pointed out .
Unfortunately however for the Rajapakses , it has been proved with evidence and without doubt from a legal perspective that this transaction has been carried out transgressing laws , and the relevant owners had been forcibly induced to do this deal using powers illegally .Moreover it is now clear based on clear and cogent written evidence , by deploying a huge unaccountable amount of money and making their  old  grandmother by the name of Daisy Ferius Wikremesinghe a scapegoat , this fraudulent transaction has been concluded,

The true story as opposed to the old wives’ tale weaved using wizened old grandmother  by the fraudulent Rajapakses is hereunder … 

This ancestral land belonging to Shiranthee Rajapakse is located in Mihindu Mawatha , Mt. Lavinia. The rights to ownership of Shiranthee was transferred to Yoshitha Rajapakse via a deed No. 3221 on 2015-010-12 attested by a public notary by the name of  Weeraman.
However , as this land was not on par with  the so called reputation of Rajapakses , there was a need for Yoshitha and other family members to extend this land . With this in view , they have abused their powers to illegally carry out this infamous transaction . Therefore  based on an extensive   probe and an analysis  conducted into this transaction , it has come to light , Yoshitha Rajapakse has abused his power and  filthy lucre  to annex the contiguous lands of the neighbors around his primary land  by fair or foul means.
Accordingly , it is apparent the plots of land , 12.4 perches, 10 perches , 02.6 perches of the neighbors and 5 perches of land belonging to the Dehiwela- Mt. Lavinia cooperative have been illegally sought to  be annexed.
It is reported that a partition case No. 147/95/P had been filed in respect of this land 27.1 perches in  extent in the Mt.Lavinia district court.
The parties to this land litigation are as follows :
1.Steven Fernando
2.Irene De Silva
3.Cyril Fernando
4.Hemalatha Ranaweera
5.Mabel Suraweera
6.Patrick Fernando
7.Asalin Fernando
8.Edmund Fernando
9.Violet Fernando
Among those named above , some have deeds while others have actual rights to ownership of those lands , reports  say.

Law turned topsy turvy

According to the present partition laws of the country , it is the accepted legal position , a ‘Lis pendens’ file must be registered with the land Registrar’s office , and thereafter in respect of the land proposed for partition , except through  the final decision of the partition case , that land cannot be transferred by any other means to a third party .In the event ofsuch a transfer, the court acts to declare all such transfers as null and void in law.

How Yoshitha Rajapakse subverted and circumvented  the laws..

An agreement to sell was entered into first of all  by  Daisy Ferius Wickremesinghe with all the parties abovenamed of the partition case and it  is the Public notary Weeraman mentioned above who had attested the sale agreements Nos. 3084, 3085 , 3086 , 3087 , 3088,3089 ,3090, 3091 and 3092.

While the partition case is pending , a deed is signed. 

The Public notary Weeraman had prepared  a partition deed No. 3093 on 2013-05-03 in respect of the plots of land , 12.4 perches , 10 perches and 2.6 perches mentioned earlier. Unbelievably this is the first time  such a strange , bizarre and extraordinary  (il)legal method was followed in Sri Lanka.  Moreover , an agreement regarding partitioning reached among the parties to the partition case has been incorporated in this partition deed No. 147/95/P , as the partition case final decision.

How justice was made a mockery and court procedures were flouted

Based on this , against the interim decision in the case No. 147/95/P , the parties to the case have filed an appeal No. CA/938/97  in the appeal court. The parties have then obtained the concurrence of the appeal court in respect of the aforementioned agreement arrived at by the parties based on the partition deed noted above.

Daisy Achi of Yoshitha has paid Rs. 49.52 million as purchase price. 

Daisy Wickremesinghe has then paid money to the above parties at under valued prices and secured the ownership of the four deeds.
The deeds of  sale attested by Notary Weeraman are : deed 3107, 3108,  3109 and deed No. 3158 attested on 2013- 08-29. Daisy has paid Rs. 49.52 million to the parties  after undervaluing, as detailed below :
01.Steven Fernando – Rs. 7.5 million
02.Asirin De Silva-Rs. 3.54 million
03.Cyril Fernando –Rs. 7 million
04.Hemalatha Ranaweera –Rs.6 million
05. Mabel Suraweera –Rs. 3.34 million
06.Patrick Fernando – Rs. 7 million
07.Aslin Fernando –Rs. 2.5 million
08.Edmund Fernando –Rs. 1.5 million
09.Violet Fernando –Rs. 3.34 million
Following this transaction , among these  parties some   did  not have ownership but enjoyed rights , yet through them a deed  has been written and attested by Weeraman on 2013-03-06 disclaiming their  titles and its registration  No. is 3106.

Final analysis

By what have been revealed hereinbefore , clearly what is exposed is , how the Rajapakses abusing their powers had sought to exert pressures in regard to Establishments, and owners of properties overriding the laws and  trampling justice .In some instances they have even killed those who did not yield to their pressures , and who  obstructed their ambitions. Thajudeen murder is a case in point. In Thajudeen’s murder they have brought the criminal laws , the police , the courts and the medical sphere under their brutal control , in order to achieve their ambitions and pursue their foul agendas. 
According to what the CSN case  reveals  , in order to launder  the black monies generated by himself  illegally (Black monies amassed from Shangrila  hotel and Ports) the companies Act and television telecasting rights have been violated , to commit financial irregularities.
Based on the above  analysis it had come to light ,the laws relating to lands  have been bent ,  twisted and used by Rajpakses as they wished in the way they wanted to acquire them in a manner as never before in Sri Lanka .Similarly, it must be probed following this transaction ,how Daisy the wizened grandmother of Namal Rajapakse who is 80 years old acquire so much wealth to spend Rs. 49.52 million 
Moreover according to reports , she has never a day paid any taxes , and is  a lady who had no properties to call as her own 
By a special correspondent 
Translated  by Jeff
by     (2016-06-28 00:40:43)