A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Tuesday, June 28, 2016
New political culture,an unattainable dream?
Heart and mind are so
central to life. Politicians in power cannot be heartless or mindless
and sensitive only to what affects them personally. What does your mind
go after.. what does your heart go after? Where your treasure is, there
your heart also will be.
by Fr. Augustine Fernando

What is obstructing the coming about of a clean and new political
culture that is beneficial to the people are these enslavements. The
weaknesses the politicians naturally gravitate to become notably
prominent especially in presidents, prime ministers, high profile
ministers, parliamentarians and public officials when due to their
faults, mishaps, foibles, indiscretions, events and doings that have
taken place in hiding trickle down the grapevine and get to be known.
Some elected representatives and officials while simulating to attend to
one’s official functions actually care mainly about their own interests
as for example when they unnecessarily go abroad when our Country’s
ambassador at his post (the Government is expected to appoint qualified,
competent and reliable persons to such high office) could attend to
pertinent affairs. Thus they turn out to be irresponsible. This kind of
political behavior has become quite common. They are elected to attend
sessions of parliament and not to play truant like ill-behaved
schoolboys and indulge in selfish shenanigans. ROGUES IN POWER ?
Ministers of the present government say that they do not know where over
a thousand motor vehicles used by the last regime have gone. Some of
them were office holders of the last government. If there had been no
record of responsible individual persons to whom expensive vehicles were
allotted for official work, if there is no record of the fuel used and
the travelling done, that itself shows the poor quality of
responsibility of Rajapakse and his regime’s administration of ‘home
affairs’. Why cannot the present Government hold them to account? It is
said that some ministers of the government remain in collusion with
those of the last regime. If that is so they show themselves to be
corrupt. It is also openly said by many, among whom is Lal Kantha, M.P.,
that among the cabinet ministers are those who should be in jail.
Citizens could never expect good governance with a bunch of rogues in
power. This terrible indictment is a premonition that holds little hope
for a new political culture. Those who are part of the government engage
in practices that are detrimental to the common good. For example,
Members of Parliament get hold of government owned low lying lands,
especially close to urban commercial centres or habitable areas, fill
them under the pretext of ‘land development’ and sell as housing blocks
at exorbitant prices causing floods that damage the urbanized areas. MPs
also have indulged in deforestation and caused environmental havoc in
Sri Lanka, engaged in the drug trade, banking billions of dollars abroad
and laundered black money.
Heart and mind are so central to life. Politicians in power cannot be
heartless or mindless and sensitive only to what affects them
personally. What does your mind go after.. what does your heart go
after? Where your treasure is, there your heart also will be. Equipment
costing billions of rupees were left neglected without it being
installed because of the lack of due attention on the part of
irresponsible, incompetent and careless politicians and bureaucrats.
Their heart was elsewhere. It is not that the elected politicians do not
know of what is called ‘conflict of interest’ when they represent the
people and rob them at the same time; it is that in the absence of
politeness, ordinary good manners, honesty and integrity, their roguish
appetites overtake them. The people who feel let down come to know that
attention to important matters of state are procrastinated, obligations
and duties neglected, time wasted, and government funds squandered,
official position misused and the people to be served are left in the
lurch. When these things happen regularly and even in times of distress
like the tsunamis, floods, landslides, natural and other disasters, they
add criminality to tragedy. Some people think that madu waliges are not
enough to punish them and that following the culture and style of
former Sinhala kings they should be made to sit on the point of a
crowbar the size of a tall arecanut tree!
The ruins of the statue of a young pharaoh inspired the poet Shelley
(1792-1822) to pen the sonnet that he called ‘Ozymandias’, the Greek
name for Ramesses II who ruled Egypt for sixty seven years from 1279 to
1213 BC and whose military conquests and huge monuments and buildings
have been wiped out by the sands of time: I met a traveller from an
antique land Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in
the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies,
whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command Tell that its
sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these
lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And
on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, King of
Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside
remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The
lone and level sands stretch far away.” The ruined statue’s remains
articulate Pharaoh Ramesses’s arrogance and passions which have outlived
him and which the sculptor’s ‘hand .. mocked’. Shelley is both
ridiculing and pitying the pharaoh who crowed about his power. This
poses fundamental questions about the important matters that should be
foremost in the minds of the political leaders of nations wielding
power. Personal moral defects and flaws that distort the vision and
understanding of matters and affairs of a nation affect many Sri Lankan
politicians in power and deprived of power.
Prominent human defects and failures which in a culture influenced by
religions is generally called ‘sin’ get manifested in so many ways. The
worst effects of sin are not always manifested in physical deceases and
bodily effects and defacement. It is manifested in the disoriented and
distorted and hardened faculties of the mind, unworthy loves, selfish
goals, very low ideals, a slavish spirit, even brutalized attitudes of
mind and heart. What is more important? To complete monumental projects
to perpetuate one’s name irrespective of whether they benefit the people
or not and to dominate and boss over everyone or to serve humbly and
show compassion and loving kindness to the people, especially the poor
and helpless over whom one is placed? Our country too has seen far too
much of the spirit and type of the arrogant despot, the fraudulent
dictator and the corrupt politician rather than the benevolent, just and
compassionate representative of the people committed to the common
good. Finally it devolves on the people to discard and get rid of the
satanic characters: the morally and socially corrupt politicians, the
wreckers of human relationships still clinging to power or trying to
come to power. Before the next elections come, the people should
organize themselves and go in search of honest and righteous citizens
and unequivocally demand of party leaders to call upon them to shoulder
the responsibilities of high political office and bring about what the
people desire, the new political culture which should not remain an
unattainable dream.