Thursday, November 3, 2016

New roads but tough obstacles remain – Interview with C V Wigneswaran

Muslim protestors urged Justice Wigneswaran to take action and resettle them in Jaffna earlier this year.

Tamil Guardian interviewed the Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council C V Wigneswaran in London last week.

02 Nov  2016
The twinning of the Royal Borough of Kingston in the United Kingdom with Jaffna in the Northern Province has opened up new avenues for the regeneration of the war torn North-East, as the region struggles to prosper following decades of armed conflict. 
“This is the first time that we are entering into an agreement of this nature,” said the Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council C V Wigneswaran, in an interview with the Tamil Guardian in London last week. Outlining five key areas of the project – education, health, economic development, cultural affairs and governance support – the former supreme court judge said the initiative had the potential to spur development in a wide range of different sectors.