Saturday, August 26, 2017

Liberalism: The history of a paradox

Its self-contradictory personality ailed it yesterday, does today and in all probability will ail tomorrow  
  • The recent spate of riots and indiscriminate acts of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia has raised alarm everywhere. 
  • What these riots suggest is that the alternative right has gained the upper hand, at least nominally, and that those in charge are reluctant to call a spade a spade. They are all copping out, so commentators point out. 
  • Nazism has obviously held sway in parts of the West where white middle-class workers feel upended by immigrants and African-Americans who are considered to be either living off the welfare system or living on the government. Those who are calling them out, incidentally, are white middle class liberals.
The recent spate of riots and indiscriminate acts of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia has raised alarm everywhere. What these riots suggest is that the alternative right has gained the upper hand, at least nominally, and that those in charge are reluctant to call a spade a spade. They are all copping out, so commentators point out.