Saturday, August 26, 2017

The good, the bad, and the ugly – and how it is harder to tell them apart now


logoFriday, 25 August 2017
As with many other champions of just causes, Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe may have gone from campaigning for justice to becoming just another crusader out to claim his own rights and privileges. But unlike many other pseudo-democrats who traverse the primrose path from paada yaathra to walking the national interest tightrope, WR may still stand tall – or find his way back into a Cabinet seat – if the pragmatic brand of politics practised by his parties and their leaders necessitates it. Once a Man for all Seasons – advocate for social issues, devil’s advocate on knotty political dilemmas, not so nice nationalist for personal power-oriented reasons, perhaps – the former justice minister is a case in point for the impermanence of all things political. There are no permanent friends in governance; but civics and/or chauvinism will redound to the increasing visibility of stellar bigots and star-crossed bureaucrats in civics and country matters
In-laws can be a source of mirth as much as the fountain of mercy. (I’m playing it safe here, folks.) After all, they bring us our spouses in the same breath as they bring us grief and grouses, but also offer common or garden goodness.