A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
A Brief Colonial History Of Ceylon(SriLanka)
Sri Lanka: One Island Two Nations
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Thiranjala Weerasinghe sj.- One Island Two Nations
?????????????????????????????????????????????????Monday, January 30, 2017
Image: Coal workers in India.
The Auditor General has recommended that a formal and practical Annual
Procurement Plan be put in place to avoid malpractices in coal purchases
by the Government.
This comes after an audit probe found estimated losses amounting to more
than Rs. 4,145.43 million due to irregularities in coal purchases
between 2009 and 2016.
The Special Audit Report on coal purchases by the Lanka Coal Company
(Private) Limited for the Lakwijaya Power Plant in Norochcholai was
presented by the Auditor General at the request of Parliament’s Sectoral
Oversight Committee on Energy.
The report says there was lack of transparency in the manner in which
tenders were awarded, there was no proper documentation of the process.
It also says there were instances in which important information on
procurement had not been made available to the Cabinet of Ministers
through Cabinet memorandums.
The AG also questioned if the Ministry of Power and Energy, the Ministry
of Power and Renewable Energy, the Lanka Coal Company Ltd., the Ceylon
Electricity Board and the Ceylon Shipping Corporation and the Technical
Evaluation Committee and the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement
Committee appointed to carry out these purchases had exercised
professional due care in the performance of their duties.
The report concluded that Lanka Coal Company Ltd. was not proved as an
essential institution that acted to ensure the least cost and least risk
to the Government. As such the relevant parties should carry out an
extensive study as to whether this institution should be maintained.
The AG said the report was prepared within the limitations of the
mandate, resources and time available to the Auditor General and the
examination did not go beyond the scope and examine whether there were
illegal or criminal activities on which the Auditor General cannot make
any conclusions. It added that if it was perceived that such inquiry
should be carried out, the assistance of the institutions specialised in
such fields should be sought.
He, however, recommended that officers responsible for the estimated
loss, additional cost, loss of income amounting to more than Rs. 4,000
million should be identified and that the procurement process should be
made formal to prevent the recurrence of such losses in the future.
“The Procurement Process should be directed to safeguard economy,
efficiency and effectiveness in order to safeguard the Value for Money
Concept. The authorities concerned should ensure that the Pre-Bid
Meetings are held with better effectiveness and through that minimise
problems that may arise in the future,” the report said.
By Chandani Kirinde
Sunday Times
Sunday Times